As we continue through the rainy and hurricane seasons, we thought it would be worth it to give you more information about CBRA (pronounced Cobra) Zones. Resident Expert & Chief, Whit Harris gives you the details.
In addition to flood insurance, here is a refresher on CBRA Zones, what they are and how they work.
What does CBRA mean?
It is an acronym for “Coastal Barrier Resource Area”
What is a CBRA Zone?
This designation is assigned by the federal government to areas that are deemed environmentally sensitive. These zones may also be called environmentally sensitive areas(ESAs).
An ESA is a portion of land with landscape elements or places which are vital to the long-term maintenance of biological diversity. This means that the area has nutrient rich soil, clear water, or other natural resources. ESAs are usually wildlife habitat areas, steep slopes, wetlands, and prime agricultural lands. Florida is lucky to have so many different areas where the environment thrives.
What happens if I am in a CBRA Zone?
There is a possibility that your home may be in a designated zone. If this is the case, you may be prohibited from receiving federal financial assistance or your eligibility for the national flood insurance program (NFIP) may be restricted.
Can you tell me if I am in a CBRA Zone?
Absolutely. We can find out that information for you! Please call us for more information about your property, and existing homeowners & flood insurance policies!
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Views expressed here do not constitute legal advice. The information contained herein is for general guidance of matter only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. Discussion of insurance policy language is descriptive only. Every policy has different policy language. Coverage afforded under any insurance policy issued is subject to individual policy terms and conditions. Please refer to your policy for the actual language.