Business Liability protects your business from legal actions brought by the public at large, workers compensation protects your business from medical expenses suffered by employees injured on the job, but what if you are sued by a current or former employee for an employment related issue?
This is employment related practices liability or EPLI. As an employer you need written procedures for every aspect of your operation, including evaluation, promotion, and disciplining, demoting, reassigning or terminating employees. You must consider and address treatment of sexual, racial, gender or religious differences and you also need impeccable records, time-keeping, payroll and overtime guidelines, policies and tracking in place to ensure you are not responsible for depriving employees of proper pay whether known or not.
EPLI is a very important and often overlooked coverage. The cost of defending one alleged claim can potentially bankrupt a company. At Harris Insurance we understand these exposures and we can design a cost effective policy to protect your business from EPLI exposures.
Contact one of our Florida licensed experts today, we will evaluate your needs and provide you with the protection you need for your continued business operations, whatever may occur.