Every insurance company has their own website with vital information but not every company website easily displays it. Finding a phone number or email to file a claim or make a payment may have you bouncing around a few websites, maybe even out to the google universe. You can land on the homepage and see one phone number, but if you click “contact us” there are several different phone numbers listed.
All the browsing around only to get to a number that’s out of service. Great.
If you have a couple of policies filed with different insurance companies, keeping track of phone numbers, addresses (for paying bills or submitting documentation), and claim hotlines can be mentally exhausting. What’s worse is that you may spend a few hours on the phone AFTER spending a few hours finding the right points of contact.
Luckily for you, we have wonderful resources right on our website in one simple place. Here is a small run-through of our website that will help you get the right information fast and speed up your insurance-related processes.
If you are looking to make a payment:
Hover over the “Contact Us” tab on our homepage. In the drop-down menu, click “Make a Payment”
On this page we have the option for you to call us, but underneath is a chart we made.
This chart has the company names in alphabetical order, mailing address, pay-by-phone number and online payment website.
If you’re looking to start a claim filing process:
On the homepage, over over the “Contact Us” tab, again. In the drop down menu, click “File a Claim”. It is under “Make a Payment”.
On this page, you will see our chart. It displays each company we work with, in alphabetical order. Next do it we list their phone number for reporting claims, their website, and possible email for online filing.
Less hassle, and less stress!
How about requesting a quote?
This is simple! On the homepage, simply click “Request a Quote”. This brings you to our online form. Just fill out the info and we will get right back to you, whether you prefer email or a phone call.
How easy was that?
Finally, when looking through our website, you can gain access to a ton of information. Want to learn about Four-point inspections and Wind mitigations? We have dedicated pages for that. We also have an entire glossary on our website to help you understand some of the insurance lingo your agent may use from time to time.
Our website is an extension of our commitment to excellent customer service. We know it can be confusing doing simple tasks, and that’s why we made our website easy-to-use with information that’s to the point. We want to make things easier for you while navigating through the wide world of insurance. Our resources are here for you!
For more exciting news and announcements, check out our Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and blog! If you need some insurance information and our assistance, call us at 850.244.2111 or email at service@harrisinsurance.com.
Views expressed here do not constitute legal advice. The information contained herein is for general guidance of matter only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. Discussion of insurance policy language is descriptive only. Every policy has different policy language. Coverage afforded under any insurance policy issued is subject to individual policy terms and conditions. Please refer to your policy for the actual language.